Jamf Pro Training Pass
Learn Jamf Pro for less with a yearly training pass.
Do you want to take multiple courses in one year? If so, you’ll benefit from our Jamf Pro training pass.
With a training pass you can go all the way from Jamf Certified Tech to Jamf Certified Expert, at a fraction of the cost.
This flexible and high-value option is open to both groups and individuals.

Organisational Training Pass
- Limited to a single organisation, and cannot be shared across multiple organisations.
- Limited to five employees within your organisation.
- The Training Pass may be used by one individual at a time. Meaning, one seat can be reserved in any one available course during a week’s time.
- Allows customer to enroll into an instructor-led training course and/or certification retest exam.
Individual Training Pass
- Registered to one individual.
- Allows customer to enroll into an instructor led-training course and/or certification retest exam.
- Non-transferable.
- Cannot be shared within an organisation.
Jamf Pro Training Pass Policies
- A minimum one-year subscription is required. Multiple subscriptions may be purchased.
- The subscription is valid for one year from the date of purchase.
- Training Passes incurring more than two late cancellations*/no shows** during the term of the Training Pass will be deactivated and future enrollments will not be allowed.
- *Late cancellation — Providing cancellation notice less than ten business days prior to the start of the training course or certification exam retest.
- **No show — Not present on the first and second days of the training course. Customers will be removed from the class roster if not present on the first and second days or not present for the certification exam retest.
- Training Passes incurring more than two late cancellations*/no shows** during the term of the Training Pass will be deactivated and future enrollments will not be allowed.
- Customers must pre-register to attend a training course or certification exam retest.
- The subscription must be active to register, enroll, and attend a training course or certification exam retest.
- Must be active/valid throughout all four days of the training course.
Our Jamf Pro training pass allows you to train on the following courses.
Jamf 200 Courses
This course in Jamf Pro gives enterprise-grade knowledge of macOS and iOS platforms.
Jamf 300 Courses
Gain hands-on skills in Jamf Pro configuration, automation, management, and deployment.
Jamf 400 Courses
Enhance your macOS skills in infrastructure, data reporting, and user management.
Ready for a Training Pass?
Please review the Jamf Training Policies for more details.